Saturday 21 March 2020

The Midnight zone

The Midnight Zone..........

I have loved learning all about the creatures that live in the midnight zone, the deepest part of our oceans.

My favourite creature is the Japanese Giant Spider Crab, who lives in the midnight zone

In the twilight zone my favourite creature is the Mimic Octopus

In  the morning zone my best creature is the Reef Lobster

In the kelp forest, my favourite creature is the Giant Pacific Octopus.

The Cuttlefish lives in coves. They can puff up and hide from predators.

The Immortal Jellyfish can transform itself back into a baby when it sees a predator. 

I really love sharks, especially the dog fish.

Here is and amazing creature, the Giant Squid 

And his cousin the Colossal Squid

This little snail is very dangerous. The Cone Snail fires poison darts!!

Jumping jelly!

Lion's mane Jellyfish

The super poisonous Portuguese Man o' War

Stingray, Stingray

Massive Torpedo Ray

Clown Triggerfish

Shaggy Angler Fish

And finally............ The Dumbo Octopus

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