Monday 30 March 2020



Here are some shark facts. Did you know them ????????????????????????????????????

Only 25 species (out of 368 species) attack humans, and only about 100 people each year are attacked by sharks. More people die every year from bee stings
A shark's sense of smell is 10,000 times stronger than a humans
Sharks have evolved in the past 470 million years and unbelievably there are about 440 different species!
They can be really small or really large.
The Dwarf Lantern Shark is a baby at 6.7 inches (17cm) long. How cute is that.
The Whale Shark is the biggest shark in the world. It can grow to about about 65 feet (20 meters), but a lot of them grow to about 39 feet (12 meters) long.
They have between 5 to 15 rows of teeth. If a tooth breaks off, another one grows in its place within a day.

Types of shark - did you know them all?????????????????????????????????????????????

Tiger shark??????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Blue shark???????????????????????????????

Lemon shark?????

White Tip shark

Great White shark

Swell shark

Dwarf Lantern shark

Cookie Cutter shark

Whale shark

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