Friday 8 May 2020

Beaver badge work

Just because I have not been able to join my friends at Beavers has not meant that I have not been able to work towards some of my Beaver badges.

I had lots of fun building a den on the virtual sleep over and cooking breakfast in the morning.

My camp fire

Tent inspection

I've renewed my Beaver Scout promise on St George's Day and went out in my Beaver uniform to clap for carers, to say thank you for all their hard work.

Book reader badge

I designed a cover for a book I love to read. I really love everything to do with sea creatures so have done a cover that includes a giant Torpedo Ray, shark, kelp forest and a coral reef.

The book has lots of facts and pictures. I love to see all the different creatures and learn how they protect themselves. My favourite part was learning about the octopuses and how they use ink.

Here are some of the books I have been reading:
  1. Horrid Henry Wakes the Dead
  2. Toby and the Great Fire of London
  3. Mega Robo Bros
  4. Star Wars Battles
  5. Amazing Facts
  6. The Big Book of Beasts
Every week I also get the Phoenix Magazine to read. My favourite stories are Bunny v Monkey and 
I hate Pixies.

I have been tidying up my books and giving the books I had when I was younger away to other boys and girls to enjoy, although I kept some of my favourites which I loved Mummy and Daddy reading to me.

I love books about animals and learning new facts.

I made an origami book mark of a snake. Hissssssssssssssssssssssssss! Now I will never forget how far I have read up to in my book.

Animal Friend Badge

I've been learning to look after my cat, Cosmo.

He is an Abyssinian Cat, from Africa.

I've been helping to feed him and give him his medicine. The medicine helps with fur balls as Cosmo licks himself to keep clean but then has to cough up his fur. 

I've been brushing him to help him not have hair balls and keep him looking smart.

I help keep him safe and look after his things in the house, including his bed and seat.

I also love to play with him!

Hobby Badge

I have been learning to make origami. Origami comes from Japan.

You can make lots of fun things out of paper.

You need to have a square piece of paper.

A whale

Hermit crabs
Some of mine use special colourful paper.

I love making animals. Here is my giant squid.

Photographer Activity Badge

My Daddy gave me a camera to use. I love taking pictures of sea creatures I read about or learn about on Blue Planet and of my family. 

I know how to take pictures, delete and use different functions like zoom and using a flash.

These are some of the pictures I have taken around the house whilst we have been in lock down and on our walks.

I also learned how to take pictures on my Mummy's phone. This is my favourite one!

I made this blog to show some of the pictures I have taken. I hope you enjoy reading it.

I now have my four Beaver badges!

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